An important part of many CISV programmes are host family stays for groups of two or more youth:
- At Villages and Step Ups at the start of the programme, so that the leaders can prepare the campsite
- At Villages at the end of the second week, to allow the leaders and staff time to plan and relax
- For all camps for participants who are leaving earlier or later for organisational reasons
Participants should experience the life in their host country’s family and also have a chance to experience local culture.
We would like to ask you for your help. To give the participants the experience they should make during their stay in a foreign country we need your support. The reward for your hostility is the joy of the participants after a nice day, the satisfaction after a good meal, newly gained experiences with people from other cultures and the honestly meant "thank you" when saying goodbye.
We would also like to appeal to your solidarity: Most of the youth from CISV Great Britain have already been lovingly welcomed as guests in other countries and have also felt very well with their host families. The participants who come here should be treated with similar kindness!
The prerequisites:
- Space - a mattress per guest child. We do not expect proper beds or rooms; it’s fine if your own children like to share the room with the guests.
- Patience. Some children have endured a long flight; most of them are excited; some are abroad for the first time...